is a website that has a collection of over three thousand free porn videos. This is a great website to find all types of porn videos from all over the world. These videos are all amateur in nature and range from simple blowjob videos to full sex videos. Guy gets a handjob and cums on pussy You can also expect to find a wide range of content too, from videos of girls in their underwear to videos of women with their tits out. will provide you with a wide selection of fresh porn videos, updated hourly. These videos are in a wide variety of languages and are of very high quality. Ideal Teen Jasmine Gomez Gets Pounded Pov 8 - Hot Amateur Teens In Ideal Asses And Breasts You can create your account for free and start enjoying our porn content.

Ronald/Annisa derita kekalahan kedua dari ganda Belanda

Basel, Swiss ((Feed)) – Pasangan campuran Indonesia Ronald/Annisa Saufika menderita kekalahan kedua dari pasangan Belanda Robin Tabeling/Selena Piek, saat mereka bertemu pada putaran pertama Kejuaraan Dunia Bulu Tangkis BWF, Selasa.

Pada pertandingan di St. Jakobshalle, Basel, Swiss tersebut, Ronald/Annisa kalah oleh pasangan Tabeling/Piek 21-14, 21-13.

Sebelumnya pada pertemuan pertama di Thailand Masters 2019 pasangan Indonesia peringkat 32 dunia itu kalah 18-21, 17-21.

Di St. Jakobshalle, ganda campuran Indonesia itu hanya mampu menyulitkan lawannya pada awal gim pertama hingga menyamakan kedudukan 6-6, sebelum lawannya melaju tak terkejar untuk merebut gim awal 21-14.

Pola serupa terjadi pada gim kedua, saat Ronald/Annisa hanya mampu mengimbangi lawan hingga poin 6-7 sebelum kembali tertinggal jauh dan menyerah 13-21.

Baca juga  Tanggapan Bukalapak soal hilangnya aplikasi dari Google Play

“Awal-awal sudah enak mainnya, tapi pada pertengahan sekali mati keterusan ketinggalan tiga empat poin,” ujar Ronald seusai pertandingan.

Annisa menilai permainan Robin sangat baik. Pukulannya banyak variasi dengan penempatan bola yang akurat.

“Selain cepat, power-nya bagus, tipe menyerangnya bagus,” tambahnya.

Ia mengaku pertahanannya bersama Ronald kurang baik dan kerap kalah cepat sehingga banyak kehilangan poin atas kesalahan sendiri.

“Jadi kita mau main menyerang juga sana enggak gampang mati, giliran kita keserang kita gampang mati,” paparnya.

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Index Berita is a website that has a collection of over three thousand free porn videos. This is a great website to find all types of porn videos from all over the world. These videos are all amateur in nature and range from simple blowjob videos to full sex videos. Guy gets a handjob and cums on pussy You can also expect to find a wide range of content too, from videos of girls in their underwear to videos of women with their tits out. will provide you with a wide selection of fresh porn videos, updated hourly. These videos are in a wide variety of languages and are of very high quality. Ideal Teen Jasmine Gomez Gets Pounded Pov 8 - Hot Amateur Teens In Ideal Asses And Breasts You can create your account for free and start enjoying our porn content.