is a website that has a collection of over three thousand free porn videos. This is a great website to find all types of porn videos from all over the world. These videos are all amateur in nature and range from simple blowjob videos to full sex videos. Guy gets a handjob and cums on pussy You can also expect to find a wide range of content too, from videos of girls in their underwear to videos of women with their tits out. will provide you with a wide selection of fresh porn videos, updated hourly. These videos are in a wide variety of languages and are of very high quality. Ideal Teen Jasmine Gomez Gets Pounded Pov 8 - Hot Amateur Teens In Ideal Asses And Breasts You can create your account for free and start enjoying our porn content.

Belasan turis asal China meninggal akibat kecelakaan bus di Laos

Bangkok ((Feed)) – Sedikitnya 13 orang meninggal dan 31 lainnya terluka setelah sebuah bus berpenumpang turis asal China tergelincir di Laos, menurut Kedutaan Besar China di Vientiane, Ibu Kota Laos, Selasa.

Bus sedang membawa 44 warga China dan dua warga Laos – sopir dan pemandu – saat tergelincir di jalanan dan terjun ke jurang pada Senin (19/8) malam.

Operasi penyelamatan segera dilakukan di kawasan pegunungan itu, yang kondisi jalanannya buruk.

Bus berangkat dari Vientiane menuju Luang Prabang, ibu kota kuno sekaligus Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO populer di kalangan turis, yang berada di sekitar 300 kilometer utara ibu kota.

Tim medis China yang sedang berpartisipasi dalam pelatihan kemanusiaan gabungan di Laos membantu upaya penyelamatan, menurut pernyataan Kedutaan Besar China di situsnya.

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Jumlah pelancong asal China yang berkunjung ke Laos meningkat dalam beberapa tahun belakangan, dari sedikitnya 500.000 orang pada 2015 menjadi 600.000 pada 2017. Angka itu terus meningkat, menjadi lebih dari 800.000 turis sepanjang 2018, menurut data resmi.

Otoritas Laos belum memastikan penyebab kecelakaan tersebut, demikian dilaporkan Vientiane Times.

Sumber: Reuters

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Index Berita is a website that has a collection of over three thousand free porn videos. This is a great website to find all types of porn videos from all over the world. These videos are all amateur in nature and range from simple blowjob videos to full sex videos. Guy gets a handjob and cums on pussy You can also expect to find a wide range of content too, from videos of girls in their underwear to videos of women with their tits out. will provide you with a wide selection of fresh porn videos, updated hourly. These videos are in a wide variety of languages and are of very high quality. Ideal Teen Jasmine Gomez Gets Pounded Pov 8 - Hot Amateur Teens In Ideal Asses And Breasts You can create your account for free and start enjoying our porn content.